DevLog Update: Build 0.8.4

Welcome to the second Devlog for It hungers, we all just wanted to share our latest build for play testing and feedback.  As always we listened to your feedback and have taken on board the most common issues, resolved some of the bugs and installed improvements.

here is a quick summary of the changes so far:
* Basic Attack Speed
* Acid Spit Speed
* Damage Collider boxes for some complex geometry
* Some set dressing for rooms
* Sound for organic doors
* Colliders on stairwells
* Physics asset on heart (WIP still)
* Updated Scientist (Yellow) behavior changes. Will now seek guards and alarms when confronted with Dead Bodies. Will now seek guard when loses sight of player. Will now check room when loses sight of player.

We hope you are enjoying the game and it's evolution!

Please check the Download area for the latest Build Link!

Get It Hungers

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