What a Ride!...

To say it has been a challenge is an understatement, the rewards though, the rewards far outweigh any tribulations along the way.

We overcame the loss of some of the team, had disagreements and lot's of grey areas but by the end we came together as a close knit group to achieve something we thought might not be possible.  For the last 10-12 weeks we conceptualized many iterations of the game, worried over not getting the right feel for the core mechanics and art style and wondered if the Human Parasites would ever work correctly in the way we had hoped for!

What we ended up with is a gaming experience that for us at least is re playable over, and over, and over again with many a laugh and gasps of surprise and frustration.

We hope you enjoy our End of Year Major Production of It Hungers, we would love to see some feedback through our form or just a comment on the page to let us know what you thought about it?

Do you want to see this become more!?.... Let us know

Get It Hungers

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